Monthly statistics

These graphs show the evolution of default protocol, v6 address types, and average bandwidth over time.

They are generated using the data collected by the connection test page, and are updated on a monthly basis.

Country level statistics

Overall IPv6 and v4 protocol support

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for all our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect almost 100% of hosts supporting IPv4 with a slow growth for IPv6.

Top 25 countries for IPv6 support (Nov 2023)

  Country Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1.Seychelles Seychelles1400.0%14100.0%
2.Brazil Brazil99,03298,39999.4%93,38294.3%
3.Angola Angola673247.8%5988.1%
4.Japan Japan15,89515,19695.6%11,53472.6%
5.Myanmar Myanmar6262100.0%4471.0%
6.Guatemala Guatemala13812993.5%9770.3%
7.Macao Macao9292100.0%6368.5%
8.France France15,45415,10597.7%10,52168.1%
9.Jersey Jersey4040100.0%2767.5%
10.Ecuador Ecuador49848597.4%33667.5%
11.United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates34133598.2%22866.9%
12.Sweden Sweden2,8212,78398.7%1,87666.5%
13.Germany Germany39,14037,54095.9%25,80165.9%
14.Greece Greece1,2011,17097.4%77064.1%
15.Bangladesh Bangladesh2,1352,12699.6%1,35763.6%
16.Belgium Belgium1,8101,72895.5%1,13862.9%
17.Hungary Hungary1,9711,94398.6%1,23662.7%
18.Venezuela Venezuela36734293.2%23062.7%
19.Bahamas Bahamas242395.8%1562.5%
20.Taiwan Taiwan3,9313,75195.4%2,44362.1%
21.Netherlands Netherlands9,1708,98598.0%5,69562.1%
22.Israel Israel1,0391,02898.9%64061.6%
23.Norway Norway67866397.8%41761.5%
24.Argentina Argentina70364691.9%43061.2%
25.Puerto Rico Puerto Rico615488.5%3760.7%

IPv6 and v4 protocol support (unique addresses)

This graph shows the evolution of IPv6 support vs IPv4 for unique users of our connection test.

The numbers are percentages, so we can expect a slow growth towards 50% v4 / 50% v6.

Top 25 countries for IPv6 support (unique addresses, Nov 2023)

  Country Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1.Seychelles Seychelles1400.0%7100.0%
2.Angola Angola67516.7%2583.3%
3.Sri Lanka Sri Lanka1,40711224.3%34875.7%
4.Saint Martin Saint Martin13133.3%266.7%
5.Reunion Island Reunion Island20233.3%466.7%
6.Brazil Brazil99,0327,31436.6%12,69663.4%
7.Ecuador Ecuador49811745.5%14054.5%
8.Portugal Portugal1,31238846.4%44853.6%
9.Israel Israel1,03930247.0%34153.0%
10.Mauritius Mauritius19847.1%952.9%
11.Japan Japan15,8955,69547.9%6,18652.1%
12.Netherlands Netherlands9,1702,67748.1%2,88951.9%
13.Venezuela Venezuela3679948.3%10651.7%
14.Argentina Argentina70320649.6%20950.4%
15.Guatemala Guatemala1386550.0%6550.0%
16.France France15,4546,74950.1%6,72049.9%
17.Nepal Nepal1506851.1%6548.9%
18.Greece Greece1,20143451.2%41448.8%
19.Myanmar Myanmar624151.3%3948.8%
20.Taiwan Taiwan3,9311,61051.6%1,50948.4%
21.Belgium Belgium1,81057051.7%53248.3%
22.United States United States32,58510,81151.8%10,05748.2%
23.Australia Australia6,2751,96651.9%1,82548.1%
24.Hungary Hungary1,97177751.9%72148.1%
25.Estonia Estonia29410851.9%10048.1%

Default browser protocol

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 when visiting the ipv6-test connection test.

Hopefully, in the not so distant future, the v6 part will grow taller than the v4 one.

Top 25 countries for IPv6 default (Nov 2023)

  Country Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1.Seychelles Seychelles1400.0%14100.0%
2.Brazil Brazil99,0326,5266.6%92,50693.4%
3.Angola Angola671319.4%5480.6%
4.Myanmar Myanmar621727.4%4572.6%
5.Jersey Jersey401332.5%2767.5%
6.Japan Japan15,8955,16632.5%10,72967.5%
7.Guatemala Guatemala1384633.3%9266.7%
8.France France15,4545,50635.6%9,94864.4%
9.Hungary Hungary1,97177439.3%1,19760.7%
10.Sweden Sweden2,8211,14640.6%1,67559.4%
11.Uruguay Uruguay492040.8%2959.2%
12.Puerto Rico Puerto Rico612541.0%3659.0%
13.Taiwan Taiwan3,9311,62341.3%2,30858.7%
14.Bangladesh Bangladesh2,13588741.5%1,24858.5%
15.Paraguay Paraguay1014241.6%5958.4%
16.Mongolia Mongolia12541.7%758.3%
17.Malaysia Malaysia1,58567842.8%90757.2%
18.Germany Germany39,14016,90743.2%22,23356.8%
19.Netherlands Netherlands9,1704,01343.8%5,15756.2%
20.Serbia Serbia1988743.9%11156.1%
21.Portugal Portugal1,31257744.0%73556.0%
22.Argentina Argentina70331344.5%39055.5%
23.New Zealand New Zealand62427944.7%34555.3%
24.Ecuador Ecuador49822445.0%27455.0%
25.United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates34115445.2%18754.8%

Default browser protocol (dual-stack users)

This graph shows the percentage of browsers that default to IPv6 vs. IPv4 for users that have both v4 and v6 connectivity.

Usually a system will default to v6 when it's available, but in some cases with tunneled connections, v4 stays the default.

Top 25 countries for IPv6 default (dual-stack users, Nov 2023)

  Country Test count IPv4 IPv4 % IPv6 IPv6 %
1.Uganda Uganda200.0%2100.0%
2.Jordan Jordan1800.0%18100.0%
3.Montenegro Montenegro400.0%4100.0%
4.Macedonia Macedonia100.0%1100.0%
5.El Salvador El Salvador100.0%1100.0%
6.Mongolia Mongolia400.0%4100.0%
7.Mozambique Mozambique200.0%2100.0%
8.Cyprus Cyprus1000.0%10100.0%
9.Lebanon Lebanon1000.0%10100.0%
10.Bosnia And Herzegovina Bosnia And Herzegovina200.0%2100.0%
11.Jersey Jersey2700.0%27100.0%
12.Brazil Brazil92,7499371.0%91,81299.0%
13.Qatar Qatar28141.4%27798.6%
14.Egypt Egypt6111.6%6098.4%
15.Paraguay Paraguay6011.7%5998.3%
16.Tanzania Tanzania4412.3%4397.7%
17.Puerto Rico Puerto Rico3013.3%2996.7%
18.Hungary Hungary1,208423.5%1,16696.5%
19.Kazakhstan Kazakhstan8333.6%8096.4%
20.Lithuania Lithuania7134.2%6895.8%
21.Myanmar Myanmar4424.5%4295.5%
22.Serbia Serbia11265.4%10694.6%
23.Portugal Portugal767425.5%72594.5%
24.Guatemala Guatemala8855.7%8394.3%
25.Austria Austria1,204715.9%1,13394.1%

IPv6 address types

Here you can see the evolution of address types over time, and measure usage of 6to4 and Teredo tunneled connectivity.

It should be noted that because 6rd works with native addresses, it cannot be detected here as tunneled. This is also the case with VPN based tunnels.

Top 25 countries for native IPv6 support (Nov 2023)

  Country Test count Native Native % 6to4 6to4 % Teredo Teredo %
1.Chile Chile378378100.0%00.0%00.0%
2.Tonga Tonga1313100.0%00.0%00.0%
3.Bahamas Bahamas1515100.0%00.0%00.0%
4.Angola Angola5959100.0%00.0%00.0%
5.Bolivia Bolivia6767100.0%00.0%00.0%
6.Oman Oman2121100.0%00.0%00.0%
7.Paraguay Paraguay6060100.0%00.0%00.0%
8.United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates228228100.0%00.0%00.0%
9.Egypt Egypt6262100.0%00.0%00.0%
10.Iceland Iceland3333100.0%00.0%00.0%
11.Nepal Nepal8686100.0%00.0%00.0%
12.Romania Romania567567100.0%00.0%00.0%
13.Jordan Jordan2020100.0%00.0%00.0%
14.Kuwait Kuwait2828100.0%00.0%00.0%
15.Jersey Jersey2727100.0%00.0%00.0%
16.Moldova Moldova88100.0%00.0%00.0%
17.Cyprus Cyprus2121100.0%00.0%00.0%
18.Qatar Qatar290290100.0%00.0%00.0%
19.Bulgaria Bulgaria134134100.0%00.0%00.0%
20.Slovenia Slovenia6161100.0%00.0%00.0%
21.Greece Greece770770100.0%00.0%00.0%
22.Iran Iran229229100.0%00.0%00.0%
23.Tanzania Tanzania4444100.0%00.0%00.0%
24.Denmark Denmark336336100.0%00.0%00.0%
25.Guatemala Guatemala9797100.0%00.0%00.0%

Downstream bandwidth

This graph illustrates the connection speed gap between IPv4 and IPv6, numbers represent v6 speed as percentage of v4 speed.

The lower IPv6 speeds are often caused by tunneling overhead or insufficient v6 connectivity or peering capacity at ISPs.

Top 25 countries for IPv6 speed (Nov 2023)

  Country IPv4 average IPv6 average IPv6 / IPv4 ratio
1.Uruguay Uruguay1.9 Mbps93.5 Mbps4,847.9%
2.Paraguay Paraguay1.2 Mbps19.9 Mbps1,668.8%
3.Slovakia Slovakia31.4 Mbps184.3 Mbps587.9%
4.Croatia Croatia20.3 Mbps43.3 Mbps213.2%
5.Kazakhstan Kazakhstan43.3 Mbps71.8 Mbps165.7%
6.Colombia Colombia43.2 Mbps71.4 Mbps165.1%
7.Bolivia Bolivia8.1 Mbps12.6 Mbps155.4%
8.Bulgaria Bulgaria78.0 Mbps119.6 Mbps153.3%
9.Egypt Egypt0.8 Mbps1.2 Mbps152.1%
10.Macao Macao34.0 Mbps49.7 Mbps146.4%
11.Lithuania Lithuania55.3 Mbps79.1 Mbps143.0%
12.India India26.6 Mbps37.7 Mbps141.4%
13.Belarus Belarus28.9 Mbps39.4 Mbps136.5%
14.Malaysia Malaysia19.8 Mbps27.0 Mbps136.2%
15.Estonia Estonia34.7 Mbps43.2 Mbps124.8%
16.Mali Mali15.1 Mbps18.6 Mbps123.3%
17.Hungary Hungary103.1 Mbps126.9 Mbps123.1%
18.Armenia Armenia13.3 Mbps15.9 Mbps119.7%
19.Chile Chile69.9 Mbps83.3 Mbps119.2%
20.Tanzania Tanzania2.7 Mbps3.1 Mbps116.9%
21.Qatar Qatar118.9 Mbps136.7 Mbps114.9%
22.Tunisia Tunisia12.8 Mbps14.6 Mbps114.2%
23.Switzerland Switzerland118.4 Mbps130.2 Mbps110.0%
24.Singapore Singapore30.9 Mbps33.6 Mbps108.7%
25.Dominican Republic Dominican Republic50.8 Mbps55.0 Mbps108.2%